Privacy Policy

We take the privacy of your personal data very seriously, in strict compliance with EU data protection legislation. This Privacy Policy was updated to address GDPR requirements.

Here we explain how we collect, store and process your personal data, and your rights concerning these data.

Who we are
Presetground. Our registered office is Calabria 228 08029 Barcelona Spain. For the purposes of this policy we are the data controller in respect of your personal information that we collect and process as further described in this Privacy Policy.

How we collect data
Normally we would collect some of the data that you share with us. Examples will include when you make an online purchase, subscribe to our newsletter, leave a product review or contact our support with a query. When we receive data we take appropriate steps to protect it.

What data is stored
We store your name, email address and IP address. We store the date with each product purchased.

Why we collect data
We want to give you the best possible experience with Presetground and our products. With this in mind, this data helps us to provide you with:
• the latest information on new products, services, educational content and promotional offers of Presetground;
• customer support if you have queries or problems;
• access to your purchase history and available downloads via ‘My Account’;
• personalised offers.

In addition, we store data to facilitate:

• Tax collection: we must retain certain information regarding sales to verify location for EU tax reporting;
• Fraud protection: we undertake certain fraud prevention methods to protect credit card users in our e-commerce system.

There will inevitably be some services that we cannot provide for you without the retention of data.

Social Media
You may come across us on social media through your own networks, or you may be presented with an ad from us. We target ads at audiences that look like they have an interest in our services. We do this to inform, educate and engage new and existing customers.

More information on how to control the ads you see can be found here:

Facebook –

Instagram –

Twitter –

If you contact us via these channels, please be aware that we have no control over the data provided while on the platform. Your enquiry data may be transferred to our database so that we can refer to enquiries in the future.

Anonymous data
Sometimes we use data for analytical or marketing reasons, in which case the data is anonymised. Examples would include geographical analysis of sales success, geographically focussed promotions, or historical product sales curves.

When we share your data
Presetground will not share your data with any third party unless it is to provide an essential service for you (or if we have a legal obligation to share that data). An example would include the electronic purchase procedures via PayPal or Stripe. Under no circumstances will your personal data be sold to any third parties.

International Transfers
Where your personal data is transferred outside of the EEA, we will ensure that either (a) The European Commission has made an “adequacy decision” with respect to the data protection laws of the country to which it is transferred, or (b) we have entered into a suitable data processing agreement with the third party situated in that country to ensure the adequate protection of your data. In all cases, transfers outside of the EEA will be protected by appropriate safeguards.

Our email marketing provider is ConvertKit, Data is stored outside the EEA in the United States. They are protected by appropriate safeguards namely EU/US Privacy Shield. More information on how your data is protected can be found here

Lawful Basis for Processing your data
Where you have made a purchase from us, or make an enquiry we process your data for the performance of, or entering in to a contract.
When you joining our mailing list we obtain your consent to email you information on new products, services, educational content and promotional offers. Processing of your data for our business purposes is carried out under legitimate interest, namely improving our services or protecting our business interests. This includes the use of Google Analytics, support enquiries, fraud prevention, legal advice or insurance purposes.

Your rights
You have the following rights as a data subject:
• A right of access to such data;
• A right to object to processing that is likely to cause or is causing you damage or distress;
• A right to prevent processing for direct marketing;
• A right to decisions made by automated means;
• A right to have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and
• A right to claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of relevant data protection legislation.

If you wish to see, modify or delete your data; or if you have any other query about our privacy policy, please contact